Saturday, May 22, 2010

Did I Miss Something?

This month has been blah. I'm quite sick of the fact that everyone is either changing around me or staying the same and I feel like I'm ready to move on. I'm absolutely done with High School and ready to move on to the college life. I'm so close to finally receiving the independence I've been dreaming about, but there are still obsticles to overcome. From this piont on, I'm just sticking to what I know, what I love, and what will make me a better person in time. I can be heartless at times, I'll admit that. Well, only two more school days and a graduation ceremony to get through and It's all relaxation and enjoying my sweet sexy time. God bless summer.

I believe what I'm trying to get at is that It's time for some change. I'm ready to move to NYC. I can't emphasize that enough, but when you come from a traditional family where, let's face it, change is NOT good....because it changes things....the likelihood of reaching this goal and making everyone happy is slim. There, that's my problem: "Making everyone happy."I realize that I have to think for myself. It's just difficult leaving when your job isn't over yet as an older sibling. If there's one person that I know I'd miss, it's my sister.

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