Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Face

Today should have been a Friday, and I'm pretty pissed that it wasn't. Senioritis is getting to everyone and it's pretty obvious. But with only 2.5 weeks of school left I can't help but wonder, "Wow, it's really almost over." We had a graduation rehearsal in the auditorium which meant that I didn't have to go to Halocaust Literature (Which really should have been called Halocaust Cinema because we havn't read a book since january and we're stuck there watching movies every week).

Probably the highlight of my day though was the Yearbook Signing Party. It wasn't the party itself that made my day, but the waiting for 3 hours after school to get into the party and I discovered that if you have a bored group, a pizza, and a Cosmopolitan at hand, the hours just seem to fly by.

I'm just rambling aout my day, yes, but I havn't written in a while. Pretty sleepy, I shall write more later in the month.

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