Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fascinating Adventures in a World of Darkness

Disclaimer: This post is not me being emotional. On the contrary, it's me being a complete fuckin' nerd.

I've been needing a vacation for a very long time. That's pretty much all I did when I was little because (back in the day) schools were lenient, and I took vacations with my family all the time. But these days it's just been work and school. But that all changed this weekend. I didn't go anywhere, but it's how I spent all my free time that made it amazing. I spent the entire two days I had with my boyfriend house-sitting and pretty much playing house while my family was camping. I couldn't have asked for a better time. Sometimes all you need is a few glasses of wine, a record player, and a little Adventure Time with your loved ones. I'll admit it, I'm a pretty simple creature.

In other news, a recent video game addiction I've been having is Kirby's Epic Yarn (Specifically in 2 player mode). Firstly: It doesn't piss me off. Which is pretty important. Secondly: 2-player mode actually contains TEAMWORK. Which seems to be such a strange concept with my collection of video games. I'm just used to killing the other person or making them eat my dust in a damn good race. Anyway, I highly recommend. It's amazing and I couldn't be more in love with the concept.

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