Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fascinating Adventures in a World of Darkness

Disclaimer: This post is not me being emotional. On the contrary, it's me being a complete fuckin' nerd.

I've been needing a vacation for a very long time. That's pretty much all I did when I was little because (back in the day) schools were lenient, and I took vacations with my family all the time. But these days it's just been work and school. But that all changed this weekend. I didn't go anywhere, but it's how I spent all my free time that made it amazing. I spent the entire two days I had with my boyfriend house-sitting and pretty much playing house while my family was camping. I couldn't have asked for a better time. Sometimes all you need is a few glasses of wine, a record player, and a little Adventure Time with your loved ones. I'll admit it, I'm a pretty simple creature.

In other news, a recent video game addiction I've been having is Kirby's Epic Yarn (Specifically in 2 player mode). Firstly: It doesn't piss me off. Which is pretty important. Secondly: 2-player mode actually contains TEAMWORK. Which seems to be such a strange concept with my collection of video games. I'm just used to killing the other person or making them eat my dust in a damn good race. Anyway, I highly recommend. It's amazing and I couldn't be more in love with the concept.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air

I'm not going to lie, but December was shit.

Work, finals, you know the usual drill. I just had these off and on depressions where everything just seemed like the same old thing. Granted, Christmas was great, I got a gorgeous record player. It's just that I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and start school once again.

But on December 31st, 2010, everything changed. I felt like how a 19 year old on New Years Eve should feel like. Who knew that a punk rock concert, some old and new friends, the love of my life, and my own personal bottle of Cabernet could fix that December funk that I was in. I'm so proud to say that I spent my new years right and I'm very much looking forward to 2011, because let's face it...2010 kindof sucked.

I would also like to post my new years resolutions as well:

Firstly: Learn to cook. Yeah, 19 and still cannot cook for the life of me. Simply put: I was never taught. It was just one of those things that I cast aside and never bothered to learn. Granted I could make the standard Ramen, Grilled Cheese, and basic college dorm food. It is just the reassurance that I would be able to survive on my own for whenever I move out.

Secondly: Write more. Which is pretty generic of me to say, but it's the truth. I've been on writer's block with my current novel for a good three or so months. I'll confess that it is due to a lack of inspiration (and a small addiction to Zelda and Sims 3). But today my boyfriend told me something which made me rethink the way I've been neglecting this skill, (and I cannot quote him word for word at the moment) but he basically told me to practice writing every single day. How are you going to be good at something if you don't practice? Even if its something little like a diary entry, a short story, or working on your novel. Thus, I am inspired again because he's right. I don't have to be working on just that novel. Hell, just as long as I write I'll be satisfied. Writing this out now has been clearing my head and getting me to focus again.

Anyway, I wish everyone a wonderful new year. And I have one more announcement to make:
So far I've treated this blog with monthly updates, but starting now for 2011 and to go with my new years resolution, I'll be updating and utilizing this site more often. So no more once a month posts.