Friday, December 16, 2011

I Feel Like the Fucking Kid

It's the classic out of my control I'm under 21 bullshit that one encounters when all you want to do is go out with your friends, but you're not allowed to due to your age. (I'm pretty sure I have bitched about this before).
Tonight was a going away/birthday party for a close friend of mine who turned 23. We went bowling to start off the night. Now I've been looking forward to tonight all week, I wanted to see my friend before she moved away. Not to mention that I don't go out as much as I used to, so being invited to ANY event is a huge deal.
Anyway, we bowl for about two hours (I sucked both games). I'm having an awesome time and would probably be there all night if I could. Well, with any birthday over your 21st, one has to go to more than just one place. So naturally everyone 21 and up wanted to go to the bar. I pretty much broke down crying after everyone left and called my boyfriend (Yeah, I call my boyfriend because I feel like I don't have a best friend to cry my boyfriend is my best know what I mean) Now I'm just sobbing on the phone and disclosing every single thing I'm upset about at this very moment: Best friend is moving, I can't fucking go anywhere, I'm working shitty shifts all next week, my pending grades (Which I have to brag for a second and tell you that I got all A's :)), and how I'm horrible at keeping friendships.
He told me something that I do need to take more seriously. That everyone has been through this situation, and that I need to stop comparing myself to others.
I do hate to admit it but it's true. I try to come off as this independent and strong women, when in reality I do compare myself to my other salespeople, students, professionals, etc. I need to learn to appreciate my own strengths. I also need to accept that my time definitely will come. I need to keep in contact with my friends, I need to get shit done before NYC, I need to do so much that I'm stressing the hell out about it, which is probably the reason why I broke down and decided to call.

Done now, see you when my next breakdown happens.