Saturday, October 22, 2011


Such a fun word. Wallabee.
Quite the adventure today. And oddly enough, it didn't start off in my car. Instead, I went for a bike ride. I haven't ridden my bike in months due to the hot summer Arizona hell-storm that is summer. So it was very nice to finally hop back on that rickety POS that is my cheap Wal-mart cruiser. Even though it feels like its going to fall apart at any moment, it has a certain charm about it.
It's a boy's bike, but I really didn't care about the gender of the bike only because I liked the color. It's a bit of a gay hipster, but beautiful anyway. And when I ride it, I love hearing all the little squeaks, clicks, and grinds while I pass under the shaded trees and feel the wind on my face. It is probably the most relaxing way to do a cardio exercise.
My day consisted of costumes, beautiful stringed instruments, and working. Lots of working. My feet hurt so badly that they are having their own cramps. Not to mention all the noobs at work whom I have to hold their hand and stay 30 minutes after my shift is supposed to end to teach them for the 7th time how to close a register. It's all good though. I'll hold the hands of ten different seasonal noobs to get me through the retail hell that is Christmas and survive yet another year.

9 more months till New York. Will it be a boy or a girl?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hanging with the men of the household. Dad and dog. We're installing a TV. Well, he is, I'm sitting here on the computer watching him do all this. I love moments like these. Just chillin' and listening to music. These past few weeks have just been Rush! Go! Rush! It's been pretty busy. I'm glad that I get to spend some time with my dad though. :)

I've also been working every single night. And I'm coming down with a cold. :( But that really doesn't stop me from going out at night. I went out with my friend last night and afterward went to wonderful boyfriend's house. We watched Arrested Development and cuddled. It's really an amazing and well-written show. If you haven't seen it yet, then go and watch it RIGHT NOW.

So, I've been listening to the radio the entire time I've been writing this. And this song called Love in America comes on. I just have to say that the lyrics, "Come on and shake your money maker!" shouldn't be sung like you're on a freaking episode of Barney. I await the day children are quoting what they've heard of Radio Disney and are singing, "Come on and shake your money maker." while skipping on their way to kindergarten.

I was just browsing through the little "extras" that google has to offer for its customers, and I came across the "make your own website" option. I gave it some thought and figured it would be pretty cool, but then I realized that I barely get on this, so there wouldn't really be any point.

Well, going to work and then to a cast party. I need some fun. :)