Sunday, February 28, 2010

Knit Beanies and Fat Tire

I think I'm gaining weight. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. The stress is all over and done with for The Princess Bride (Which we had an amazing turnout and I certainly feel like I went out with a bang!) and it's about time that I relax.

At least I've been able to spend time with the ones I love. It's probably the greatest stress reliever of all. My Italian family flew in from North Carolina and Georgia to see me perform and we've been hanging around all weekend. Not to mention the celebrating for Princess Bride.

February in general has been a stressful month. Drama, drama, and more drama. I try my hardest not to bring it upon myself, but it always seems to find a way. But you know what? No matter what the conflict is, there's a way to solve it. The option probably isn't abailable to you, but there's always alternatives. In other words, whatever happens, happens.