Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year of firsts

There's something about waking up in the arms of the one you love to realize that everything is just perfect and right at this moment in time. That all the worries about school or drama between friends or whatever doesn't matter. It's the simple moments that put a smile on your face. And with that, my new years resolution is to live more in the now. Everything was meant to happen for a reason and accept the fact that time will run its course and to enjoy it while you can.

There's so much to look forward to this year! Princess Bride in February, Prom in April, Graduation in May, SUMMER, Starting a new chapter of my life iwith college in a new city come fall, a lot of trasitioning will be happening this year.

So much has happened in the past few weeks. New years and Christmas were biggies. Grandma gave me a ukulele for Christmas and I haven't put the thing down since then. I've spent a lot of time with my friends partying, hooka, jam sessions, and just hanging out. I'm so far very satisfied with my winter break and I think that this is the best start for the new year. Speaking of new years, I believe I had the best one of my life! Usually, I would go with my family to my neighbor's house and be bored the entire night watching new years eve specials by my self on their couch and leave immediately after we're done celebrating the midnight ball drop at Times Square to go talk to my friends on the internet.
This year, however, was my first one to be shared. It was the first time all break where I didn't have to worry about a curfew and that I got to spend with people I knew I would have a great time with. After much dancing, sitting around the fire, hottubbing, ball dropping, kissing, and hanging out around 4 in the morning, I greeted 2010 with open arms. BRING ON THE NEW YEAR!