Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bluntness Over Emotion

Anyone can blog. It's just that the good one's I have read are deep, insightful, and you find yourself really getting into the mind of the author.
That isn't me. I don't have long, thought out sentences and I'm too reserved in my writing. So there you have it: BLUNT.

This is something that's been bugging me lately. I'm very open and have no problems expressing myself, it's just that when it comes to written word I find myself just listing events and what happened. Not getting too much in my mind, just reading events. I have no opinion most of the time. I don't delve deep into my thoughts. My diary is just stuff that has happened that day, not what I think about current situations, not trying to figure out the meaning of life, just an unopinionated reporter of my life.

I just hope this to be a learning experience.

How has life been today? Well, today in particular, it sucks. Went to the doctor's today to find out I have bronchitis and a good reminder that my spine is crooked. Thanks.

Life in the general present? Pretty awesome!
I've spent the last week and a half going out with friends and having the time of my life. What should have been happening all summer should have happened in these 1.5 weeks: Bowling, Swimming, long walks while holding hands, crashing eachother's houses and staying up till 1am. I'm slowly, but surely, learning how to relax thanks to a certain someone. It was all worth the bronchitis.